Welcome to the Pollinator Posts!
Posted by Sara Bushmann, University of Maine
On these web pages I'll provide updates on some of the
pollinator research projects being conducted in (mostly) Hancock and Washington
Counties. Look for two more posts
this year on or around Oct. 15 and Nov.15, and then again in April and May for
updates on pollinator activity in the spring.
(I gave a quick report of this study at the Blueberry Hill
Farm Day gathering in July, 2012.)
This project sprang out of concerns voiced by bee
researchers throughout Europe and North America that some bumblebee species are
declining. Some of the ideas as to why there are declines include habitat loss,
pesticide exposure, and disease. But one suggestion particularly relevant to
Maine blueberry agriculture is the idea that commercial bumblebees of the
species Bombus impatiens (usually purchased in Maine from Koppert
Biological Systems) are transmitting diseases to the wild bees. The suggestion
is grounded on the concern that lab-reared bees could build up virulent strains
of pathogens that they pass to other bees when they infect a shared resource
such as a flower.
I decided to look at one pathogen, Nosema bombi, that infects bumblebees. This pathogen is of the group Microsporidia that are highly
modified forms of fungi. In bees, these are parasites of the gut tract.
I asked these questions:
1. What is the
prevalence of Nosema bombi infections in wild bumblebees in
Maine blueberry fields?
2. Is the
prevalence higher in areas where commercial bumblebees have
been used?
Over two years I dissected 767 bumblebees caught in and
around 25 blueberry fields. I found a total of 42 bees infected with Nosema,
which means 5.47% of the wild bumblebees- a little less than six out of
every 100- are infected. I looked at several factors that might explain why the
infection occurred where it did. I looked at pruning methods, pesticide use or
non-use, types of pesticides, field size, rotational stage (fruit-bearing year
or not), and whether or not the field ever used commercial bumblebees for
None of these things offered an explanation for the
occurrence of the disease.
According to other studies from other researchers, it is not out of the
ordinary to see about 5% of the population infected with Nosema. So, based on
my study, I cannot support the suggestion that commercial bumblebees have
passed the disease agent Nosema to
wild bumblebees.
I did not find evidence of commercial bees transmitting Nosema to wild bumblebees. However, I did find that disease
occurrence is not the same for the different species of bumblebees. One bumblebee that used to be common in
Maine blueberry fields, Bombus terricola, is in serious decline
throughout its range, which includes the northern US westward to the Plains. In
a nationwide study this bee was associated with high levels of Nosema bombi.
In my study I caught 13 B.
terricola in three years and 6 of these (almost half) were infected!
Compared to all the other species of bees, that is a huge percentage of infected
I knew that B.
terricola used to be common in Maine fields. So, I decided to see how bumblebee species in blueberry
fields have changed over several years.
I found that B. terricola has greatly declined in abundance in blueberry fields, but that B. impatiens and B. ternarius have increased. Bombus vagans has remained a common bumblebee in blueberry fields since the 60's. But, again, only B. terricola shows a high prevalence of Nosema infection.
(The data from the 1990's is provided by Frank Drummond, and
the data from the 1960's is from Boulanger et al. 1967, University of Maine
Technical Bulletin No. 26 which is available online.)
The increase of B.
impatiens could mean that commercial colonies produce queens that
overwinter and add to the wild populations.
I have found five other bumblebee species in blueberry
fields, all of which occur in 10% or less of the population.
For more
information about commercial and wild bumblebees in Maine blueberry production,
please see Maine Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets no. 302 and 630.